Gym Etiquette

Know how to not piss off your fellow gym users by following these guidelines.


127 Roy Davis Rd
Suite 2D
Elgin, TX 78621

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All students and attendees of MMA Academy are expected to follow these codes of conduct.

1. No shoes on the mats.

2. Watch your language.

3. Be ready to start class on time.
- If you have a reason why you need to be regularly late, please clear it with the instructor.

4.Pay full attention during class.

5. Respect your coaches and training partners.
- No bragging on the mats
- Be mindful of your teammates goals

6. No jewelry on the mat

7. Good hygiene, including:
- Wash your gear
- Short fingernails/toenails
- Beware of bad breath
- Stay home if you are sick

8. Clean up after yourself.

9. Be responsible for your belongings.

10. Be welcoming to visitors.

11. Be a positive representative of the school.

COrsair BJJ

127 Roy Davis Rd suite 4 D,
Elgin, TX 78621
